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Roy Walsh.

Knapford Stationmaster.

Age (in 1955): 28.

pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Gay

Close Friend: Alan

Partner: Harry

Appearance description

Roy has black hair that looks brown in the right lighting. It wants to curl, but he usually tries to keep it straight with straighteners and gel.

He has dark ochre skin, with bright blue eyes.

His uniform is clean and ironed, he takes great pride in making sure its perfect.

His go to is two toned blue jacket, and a cyan shirt. Dark grey trousers and usually his work boots.


Roy is from Vicarstown, Sodor. Born to a family with 2 sisters that he still has a good relationship with. He worked at Vicarstown yard for a few years as a teenager, before being promoted to a Guard around 1940.

In 1949 the "Larger stations initiative" came into act, and interviews for stationmasters started. Roy decided to try and apply, fully not expecting to get the job. However, he flew through the interviews and actually got the job as the second Stationmaster at Knapford in around 1954. Moving into a workers apartment in the city soon after.

Quick Facts!

  • Roy loves animals! Despite never having any pets growing up. If it has four legs and is fluffy? He'll probably hug it.
  • Roy also has a small collection of stuffed animals. One of each town in Sodor (and two from the mainland). His favourites being a large bear named Barnaby and a small seal named Gerald
  • Despite loving fluffy creatures, Roy is terrified of moths. Not butterflys though, he's fine with those.